Don’t be that student who’s running late to get to their lessons on time and this becomes transferred into their actual drive test, leading them to fail on speeding or careless driving.
We recommend you always arrive on time to be ready for your warm up lesson with your VIP instructor.
Don’t drive too cautiously and be assertive, as you can actually be given a critical error for driving too slow as well (10 kph under the speed limit for no apparent reason.)
So travel at a speed that’s safe and always take the first safe gap in traffic.
Always keep a two second gap when following traffic and double that if it’s raining.
When booking your driving test avoid peak traffic conditions i.e 8:30-9am or 2:30-3:30pm.
Your VIP instructor will give you best time slots.
Always use Mirrors, Signals and do your Headchecks (M.S.H) to avoid deductions.
This is what we teach at VIP Driving School.
Have your VIP driving lessons regularly leading up to the test day.
Drive as often as possible around the testing station, especially the time of your actual test to familiarise yourself with the traffic conditions.
Don’t drink too much caffeine – it’s a myth that the more you consume it will aid your driving.
The opposite is what too much coffee or energy drinks will do.
Keep a lookout for hidden speed signs – remember the default speed is a maximum of 50 kph. (When there are no speed signs in an era.)
You don’t need to travel at the maximum all the time.
Don’t signal too early as it may confuse and mislead other vehicles and pedestrians.
Your VIP driving instructor would have informed you of this.
Go to bed at a sensible time to avoid sleepiness or drowsiness.
Avoid alcohol or medication if possible.
Don’t be afraid to ask the testing officer to repeat their instructions. Sometimes it’s too noisy with other traffic, so just ask them to repeat it again.
Always do a few practice tests with your VIP driving instructor before attempting the driving test – this way you’ll know what standard you’re at.
If possible, do the practice test from the VicRoads carpark using the actual test routes.